
Our role as HR professionals includes being a Mediator, Advisor, Recruiter, Trainer, Developer, Compliance Officer and Trusted Partner. Here is what we have to offer...

Book a free consultation

Ongoing HR Support

Retained HR Support:

Get the most from your people with ongoing HR Support. From recruitment to employee documentation, we can provide you with unlimited, fixed-fee monthly HR support every month. We start with a free consultation to understand your needs and create a proposal of support to suit your organisation.

And if you already have an in-house HR department looking after your people, we can support them in areas where they need further assistance or expert advice.

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Dedicated HR

Personalised, one-to-one expert support.

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Peace of Mind

Making your business legally compliant.

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Specific Support

Flexible packages that suit your needs.

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Win Back Time

More time to focus on your business.

Monthly Packages

Please take a look at our packages. We offer unlimited, comprehensive support & advice whenever you need it. We also tailor make packages to suit any business needs, so please contact us for a non-obligation chat.

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**Suitable for 1 - 5 staff.

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**Suitable for 6 - 20 staff.

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**Suitable for 21 - 50 staff.

*Prices are monthly. Minimum term is 6 months. Standard term is 12 months. Longer terms are available.
**Packages for business sizes is a recommendation. Any size business can choose any package. 

HR Projects

Specific HR project support for your company and your people needs.

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Project Management

Full project management from initial planning to final completion.

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Monthly Fixed Fee

Know exactly what you are paying with extra no surprises.

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All relevant documentation ensuring your business is protected.

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100% client confidentiality, we handle sensitive situations.

Some HR Project examples:

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  • Bespoke Employee Handbooks
  • Disciplinary & Grievance Support & Management
  • Development of Appraisal Processes
  • Employment Contracts
  • Individually Developed People Policies
  • Organisational Design and structure improvement
  • Performance & Talent Management
  • Recruitment process & application
  • Succession Planning
  • TUPE Compliant People Transfer Support

Pay As You Go HR Services

Affordable HR support when you need it. No strings, no contract, no monthly fee.

Our Pay As You Go HR Service will get you all the benefits of having your own HR department but you only pay when you need us – either hourly or daily.

During busy times it is always nice to get a little extra help. Whether you are overwhelmed in HR administration, dealing with staff grievances, or confused by the constant changing employment law, We are on-hand to help.

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We offer pay-as-you-go, ad-hoc support and advice on all things HR, including:

  • Admin Support
  • Employee Handbooks
  • Job descriptions & Person specifications
  • Sick Leave Policy
  • Appraisal Process
  • Grievance Procedures
  • Disciplinary Procedures
  • Flexible Working
  • Maternity & Paternity Pay & Leave Policy
  • Holiday Leave Policy
  • Bullying & Harassment Policy
  • Use of social media in the Workplace
  •   Employee Contracts
  •   Discrimination Laws

Additional services we offer are listed below.

HR Documentation

Having you and your people protected, educated and aware of their rights is important, allowing your people to focus on the job at hand. Having the right HR documentation for your team is essential not only for a good employee experience, but also to keep your company protected from disputes and to ensure it is compliant with employment law.

Proper HR documentation gives your managers a resource to consult in the event of a people issue and ensures your employees are treated fairly and consistently. These documents are also your first line of defence when it comes to investigations and formal process.

New to HR Documentation? Don’t worry, we can develop a fresh suite of HR documents that are right for your business and for your people. Specific to you, in your language, with your organisation branding.

If you already have some documentation in place, we can review your existing contracts, policies and handbook to recommend and implement the necessary changes to develop any missing documents.

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What we can provide:
  • A template Employment Contract
  • An engaging Employee Handbook
  • A suite of robust, easy to read People Policies, including
    • Grievance
    • Disciplinary Appraisal
    • Maternity
    • Recruitment (Job Descriptions, Job Adverts)
    • Health & Safety
    • Employee Privacy Notice
    • COVID and Data Protection policies (there are ten policies that we recommend in total)
  • A full forensic review of all your existing HR documentation.

Recruitment Assistance

Looking for suitable, like-minded, enthusiastic people to join your business?

Hire. Train. Retain. We offer the whole end to end recruitment process. We can help you identify, find and secure the people your business needs to succeed.

Organisational Analysis

Identify gaps in your organisation so you have the right people in the right place at the right time.

Organisation charts, identify gaps, job roles, job titles, knowledge, skills, experience.

Job Description definition

Clear responsibilities, experience, qualifications and employment type.

Job Advertising

Detailed, professional job adverts that attract the talent your need to take your business to the next level..

CV Screening

Review of all applications followed by filtering.

Contract set-up and Onboarding

A smooth and welcoming process bringing your new team member into your company the right way so they want to stay.

Culture, Org Design & Development

We can help with your business culture, making it a professional, enjoyable workplace. By looking at your organisation structure we can identify how suitable your current team are for your business, whether they need any training or professional development or whether you require to recruit to fill any gaps in your organisation’s structure.

Book a free consultation

Contact us now for a non-obligation chat so I can review what HR solutions you need to your problems. I will talk through your business needs and find that important resolution to support you.

Please select more than one if you require additional services.